Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Two Witnesses - Edgar Cayce on the Revelation

Rivers of Light Video 8: The Two Witnesses - As part of the process of becoming self-aware, we come to recognize the continuity of consciousness. In other words, we live multiple lives. Edgar Cayce tells us that the little book that is sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly is the "Book of Life" or "book of remembrance" that contains the story of our past lives as well as our present incarnation.

So the self-analysis process goes on and on - we are constantly being given the opportunity to know ourselves. This is part of the initiation, the purification of mental and emotional patterns that we carry over from one existence to another.

In Chapter Eleven the mighty angel that gave John the book, tells him that two witnesses will be given the power to prophesy and testify. They will be killed and after three days will be raised up and ascend into heaven.

Cayce tells us that the two witnesses, also symbolized as two trees and two candlesticks, represent our past lives in the earth (reincarnation) and our past lives in other realms (planetary sojourns associated with astrology).

                                           click on the link to watch the video with cayce's insight



The Throne Room - Edgar Cayce on the Revelation

Rivers of Light Video 3: The Throne Room -- Chapter Four of the Revelation states that John was in spirit, meaning that he had altered his consciousness - allowing him to be instantly present in the throne room.

The Edgar Cayce readings identify the Throne Room as the brain with its nerves and glands. For example, the twenty-four elders represent the 24 cranial nerves. The practical implications of Cayce's approach are discussed with regard to deep meditation and how the spiritual centers in the brain are attuned when entering the silence.


click on the link to watch the video on this insight of cayce's

Did Edgar Cayce speak about 2012?

What, if anything, did the Edgar Cayce readings have to say about 2012, and the arrival of a New Age? Executive director and CEO of Edgar Cayces A.R.E., Kevin Todeschi, answers your question in this short video.

A New World Order in this context is not about the supremacy of certain nations over other nations; instead, it is about a new focus for the world as a whole. That focus is about truly understanding that each and every one of us is Our Brothers/Sisters Keeper. In other words, we as individuals and as nations are responsible for every single individual who is less fortunate than ourselves. The Edgar Cayce readings describe that responsibility in this way: make of thine OWN heart an understanding that thou must answer for thine own brother, for thine own neighbor! and who is thine neighbor? He that lives next door, or he that lives on the other side of the world? He, rather, that is in NEED of understanding! He who has faltered; he who has fallen even by the way. HE is thine neighbor, and thou must answer for him! (Edgar Cayce reading #3976-8) From Cayces perspective, the next Age will eventually embody an understanding of this focus.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Energy & 2012 - part 1, 2 & 3

Max Igan. Genesis Communication Network Interview  part  1, 2 & 3

Little Grandmothers Urgent Advice now for 2011

Please wear clear quartz crystals to unite humanity with mother earth at this time ,so very important!

Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother" speaks on 20†0 11 2012

During her workshop in Zurich early November 2010 Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther spoke about 2012, the expected pole shift and how we should prepare ourselves.
Illustrated with pictures and accompanied by the music piece "Garden of Love" from the CD "Sarastus" by Rija.

An this is the link to the original:​en/​​​2012truth

­++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++­++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++­++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++­+++++++++++++++++++++++++ Galactic Federation of Light First Contact Ashtar Command Project World Evacuation Cropcircles REVOLUTION is Now love liebe truth wahrheit maya alien et ufo Planet X Nibiru evakuierung 2012 dna dimension galactic Consciousness Bewusstsein fifth dimension God Jesus Christ paradise kingdom of heaven New Golden Age of Aquarius Pleiadians Sheldan Nidle Mayan Calendar Bibel ovni нло круги на полях инопланетяне cropcircles kornkreise Shambhala Agharta Third Reich Atlantis enigma spiritual era delerium romantic ryan farish amethystium sleepthief spirit new age ambient final fantasy Spiritual Awakening Mandalas meditation StarWheels chillout Myst 4 IV Revelation Apocalypse Apokalypse Enthüllung Offenbarung

ASK DR. WEISS: Free will and destiny; soulmates; ghosts; souls in different forms

ASK DR. WEISS: Dr. Weiss answers YouTube viewers' questions about free will and destiny; soulmates; ghosts; and souls existing in physical and non-physical forms at the same time.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Galactic Federation Of Light Isis February 14 2011

 This ytube and message is channeled by the galactic federation of light

 for more info you can go to this link

Welcome as I will try to explain more about what is happening with and what is your consciousness and sub consciousness.

You might think of it this way, when you are in spirit you are all consciousness, you are aware of all that is happening within spirit within your own being and outside of you own being.

When you move into a physical body you bring that consciousness into the physical body and the awareness moves into the physical body and you are not aware of you spirit and everything that is happening within spirit.

The part that is in spirit you might call the sub-consciousness.

When you slowly start to become aware of what you are in spirit your consciousness starts to expand again into what you are in spirit, so it expands within the sub-consciousness, connects with the sub-consciousness so connects with what you are in spirit.

You become aware of what you are in spirit.

This is a process that continues as you consciously connect to more of you in spirit, you become more conscious of what you are in spirit and you become more of what you are in spirit within the human body.

This connecting with yourself in spirit is what religions, belief systems and ways of living have been trying to accomplish.

When you look at religious beliefs you can see that are all telling you that you are not just the human, you are way more than that.

Many have tried though to keep this hidden within their teaching of these belief systems, these religions.

Some of them tell you nothing about this, others tell you that you will reach your spirit after death.

Belief systems and religions are becoming obsolete as it is time to move into a different way of thinking.

Belief systems are what it says, a BELIEF. You belief something, you don't know something.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

☼ Little Grandmother´s Message for 2011 ☼

Kiesha Crowther has prepared a message specifically for those of us wanting to be prepared for the coming events this year in 2011 ,here is her view and prescription for those of us living in these amazing times.